Khob Khun, Krabi!

I’ve been to Thailand several times but this was my first in Krabi. Initially a target destination for the cell group retreat last year alongside Langkawi, we decided to give it a go and finally dug in just before Chinese New Year.

And so we were off to a quick, relaxing getaway..

The 1.5-hr flight was a breeze. It was nothing compared to the next 1 and a half hour wait at the Krabi airport. Lines were crawling and there’s this ‘fast track counter’ at the far end corner that we deem as an under-the-table kind of arrangement.

It was almost 5pm when we got out and my bod’s already craving for an afternoon caffeine boost. I’m the adventurous type who likes trying out new stuff and so I jumped on a cup of iced mocha at Chao Doi ($2.50 for a big cup). I was impressed by the packaging and taste!

DAY 1: Krabi Town

My roommate, being an ‘expert’ in getting good hotel rates, got us a river view room at Krabi River Hotel. The location was just along the riverside that has a walking path leading to the night market.

Our view from the room balcony
Lobby and dining area
Ordered basil pork rice from here
It rained after we had an awesome thai body massage


DAY 2: Rainforest Tour

We booked our tours the day before while at the airport. Since we’re already in town, first up were: Tiger Cave, hot springs and Emerald Pool. Pickup from hotel was only after 9am so we still had time to walk by the riverside to take morning selfies. 🙂


Emerald Pool

Done by 2:30pm, we headed to our next accommodation, a more ‘atas’ hotel – Beyond Resort Krabi. We saved THB 700 ($32) on a 40-min transport because the same coach carried passengers who stay there. Cool, right?

Iced thai milk tea never tasted this good!
Beyond Resort Krabi

Share lang kami sa dinner. Super yummy fish with spinach and authentic phad thai!

DAY 3: Island Hopping

After a filling breakfast buffet at the resort, we took off to a day out in the islands. If there’s a downside to mention about this Krabi trip it would definitely be the long waiting time in line. Got there 8ish, but we only got to board our boat the goes to the “4 Islands” around 10am.

Not a fan of long wait – obviously!

But this was worth the wait!

Helo, telepon?!
Weet weew!
Showing off her easy breath mask

Got back to resort before 4pm and went straight for a pool plunge (after showering of course).

Ssshhhh… Roomie’s napping

Back to our cabin for shower

Jalan-jalan a bit
Then joined the rest of the hotel guests for CNY dinner.

DAY 4: Chillin’ at the resort

We got up later than usual, just an hour before breakfast ends. Maximizing our hotel stay, we went around the premises to take more pictures and swim in the beach.

F na F!


Flying back home

Checkout at 1pm just in time to get to our 3:40pm flight. Grabbed goodies for the family. Enjoyable time in Krabi indeed!

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