Words Make Or Break You

I’m approaching my 8th year at my current company, IQPC and 10th year in the conference industry. Looking back at my past experiences, I’ve seen the power of words at the marketplace.


Being totally green at my first job in Singapore, I was just open to learn and absorb everything that was taught me about selling. In my previous company, we were taught to lie and be authoritative enough to demand for things to happen.

However, it’s not always that effective. It breaks trust, confidence on the other end, and relationships in general. When I started demonstrating that I can sell well without having to lie, they never bugged me about doing things the company’s way.

Even up to present, countless are the conflicts among colleagues and a few had seriously got to my nerves. All those fiery exchanges did nothing good to anyone but burn bridges. It took me some time to learn how to step into the fire to cool things down and seek to achieve mutual purpose for all concerned parties.

I was reminded about it as I read this devotional by Proverbs 31 Ministries entitled Retaliating With Words. So glad I have outgrown that side of me.


This is very evident among my good bosses and peers. Such words give life. One particular mentor I had caused me to see things from a higher perspective, brushing off any limiting belief. It seems like they believe in you more than you believe in yourself. I am also being more conscious of being that kind to people around me.

I want my words to create wonderful things – a changed mindset for the better, a happier and more positive outlook in life, a more lively atmosphere around me, breeding dreams into reality and raising life champions all over. I want my words to carry weight and to be listened to. I want them to influence and make a difference in someone’s life and in my environment.




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