My Reflections

When Caring Is Hurting

  Do you have one of those days when you just want to drop everything? When you’ve had enough and just want to be numb about anything linked to the heart? I wished I didn’t care. I wished I can’t be bothered. I just want out.   Share This:

Who’s My Boss?

JUMP INTO THE DEEP It’s been six weeks now since my big move into a new field and industry. Pretty exciting actually! I’ve been meeting many people day by day, making new friends from different walks of life. In this season, I got to catch up with long lost friends and ex-colleagues too, which is …

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My Year 2016

2016 may have been a very tough year but it was one of REDEMPTION for me in one aspect – Ironman races (relay and individual, 70.3). It feels great to finally get done away with some unfinished business. But I won’t talk just about that. Let’s have a recap of how my year went.   …

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