When Will Finds A Way

This unusual Sunday morning was spent with cell group pipz shedding out extra calories on various playing courts at the Sports Hub in Kallang.

Early birds playing badminton as warm up
Early birds playing badminton as warm up
Playing 21 with the pabebes. Hehe
Playing 21 with the pabebes. Hehe
Netball for a change
Netball for a change

Kudos to our guys who organized and promoted this event well enough among our members and friends. We saw a few now-you-see-now-you-don’t old pals turning up and made friends among new faces.

Our basketballers and muses
Our basketballers and muses
Our men manning up
Our men manning up
Woodlanders were the first to make it there at OCBC Arena
Woodlanders were the first to make it there at OCBC Arena
Early lovebirds
Early lovebirds

Despite it being very early in the morning, those who came far and wide made it on time. Some even took cab to make sure they’re not missing a great deal. So from 7am til 10am we were out there sweating it out and enjoying our time playing badminton, basketball and netball. My roommate and I even cycled our way there for a more satisfying workout.

My sporty roommate’s all smiley and geared up with the rest

Then I was reminded of the saying that “the willing finds a way, the unwilling finds an excuse”. Many people came to mind but that’s not the point. I realized that all the more I need to pray for God’s Spirit to touch people’s hearts and minds to stir it up with willingness and hunger for spiritual things.

When that happens, not only will the willing find a way, they’ll continually find renewed energy and along the way become very contagious with positive vibes. It’ll be amazing to see more and more people being more passionate for the things of God, too, not just in the area of sports.

I am also conscious of this myself. Sometimes, when my will power is very weak, that’s where discipline kicks me from behind. I just got to do what I got to do. And as I obey, though unwilling at first, God touches me and softens my heart once again. I’m just so grateful that He doesn’t give up on me easily and I know He’s never giving up on our people, too.


We concluded the day with loads of picture taking, brunch at the foodcourt and some coffee talks at Starbucks. It had been a fruitful day indeed! Thank You Lord for this opportunity to connect with them.





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