Tri-Factor Thanyapura Camp

Initially I was reluctant to pursue paying $150 for a 3-day camp. Having a second, third and fourth look at the program agenda and checking the background of trainers Chris McCormack and Clint Kimmins, I finally decided to invest time and money (and of course energy) into it.


Factors that made me go for it:

  1. The trainers are seasoned triathletes and certified (good-looking) Ironmen. Best to learn it firsthand from champs.
  2. I want to hear inspiring insider stories and tips from fellow triathletes who are so into it.
  3. This is a way for me to gauge my capabilities (and incapability) in this multi-sport.


The program looked hectic at first glance. But in actual, it wasn’t that packed and we still had a lot of breathing time.

DAY 1:

  • It was an unusual Friday for me for I wasn’t heading to the office but to the beach! Cycled 10KM to the event venue at carpark F2 of ECP.
  • Registered and happily wearing a genuine Oakley shades on a 3-day free trial, I did what i know best – take a selfie with the two even before they’re grabbed by the rest!
  • We took a 35KM joyride along East Coast Park through Gardens By The Bay and back. It was really a chill ride but after the last u-turn, everybody just sprinted their way back.
  • Had some catered packed lunch then changed into swimming attire. Looking at the “free” schedule during lunch time, I decided to have some alone time and took a power nap. To my surprise, after a 30-minute dozing, I saw everyone treading at the open water! I quickly jumped in, acting cool. (But my face still had the marks. LOL)
  • After the open water session, we learned more about transition. We were shown tricks on fast transitions, like removing the wet suit while putting on helmet and wearing cycling shoes while pedaling. We tried it for the first time over a few laps. Not a single person in the group actually does that in races so we learned a great deal.
  • We ended the day early at 3pm so it was a leisure ride back home. Took a shower then headed to YCK for cell group.


Oakley Jawbreaker
Oakley Jawbreaker





DAY 2:

  • Woke up early again. This time we spent the day at the Stamford American International School in Upper Serangoon.
  • I came in just in time. Rushing again, I wasn’t able to properly put on sunblock. So I got really toasted and flushed that morning in the swimming pool.
  • I may be all smiles in the pictures but I was crumbling inside and out. I just couldn’t keep up with everybody’s pace. Laps here and there – numerous drills and techniques. All the more I am feeling that this sport is not meant for me!
  • Again, after showering and lunch I took a power nap. I was accompanied by some young friendly athletes at an air-conditioned area.
  • Woke up, brushed my teeth and joined the rest at the auditorium for video presentations. Macca was sharing his thoughts in one of the races that featured a pseudo replay of “Iron War”. Clint was happily showcasing “what went wrong” videos of some well-known triathletes. Had a good laugh of course.
  • The afternoon was a killer. Starting at 2pm, we were running around the oval track learning about control of pace, efficient foot movement, effective posture, etc. I couldn’t take the heat that I had to go for a quick break every 3 laps to drink.
  • After that were unending selfies and wefies and Q&A with the two. Knocked off early to prepare for the next day’s simulation race.



Clint displaying some epic fails
Clint displaying some epic fails







DAY 3:

  • I signed up for the sprint race as I wasn’t confident in doing a standard especially at this stage.
  • A 500m swim and 5km run which I did in 48 minutes concluded our boot camp. It was a really fun experience and something I will always brag about among triathletes. Hehe…
  • I was hoping to win any of the raffle prizes but wasn’t that lucky to score a single one other than numerous pictures with the pros.
  • The grand prize was a sponsored training to a 3-day Thanyapura camp in Phuket. Awesome, right?
  • After the whole event, I just went back home, showered and slept til 6pm. I better do something about what I’ve learned but having discipline is really tough. Keep you posted about the Ironman races I’ll be doing this year.







Pool session
Pool session


After learning about transition
After learning about transition


Upon receiving our race bibs


Striking a pose before the simulation race
Striking a pose before the simulation race


With our trainers and fellow campers
With our trainers and fellow campers

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